Hyperpigmentation is a disease that occurs on the skin and occurs as a result of the cells called melanocytes, which are responsible for the production of melanin, being damaged and not healthily performing their duties. Hyperpigmentation is generally caused by the darker colors of the skin areas as a result of excessive melanin production. It is usually seen on the lips and edges of the face area.

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Ask the DoctorHyperpigmentation is currently treated with laser. Laser therapy is seen as the most effective method for removing spots that occur in some areas of the skin as a result of excessive melanin production. In addition to laser treatment, the peeling method is also used. In the peeling treatment, the excess melanin produced with the help of chemicals is purified from a certain skin area.

What is the best treatment for hyperpigmentation?
There is more than one treatment for hyperpigmentation, not just laser treatment. Although the treatment of hyperpigmentation is determined according to the individual, it may differ according to the type, severity, and region of the disease. Hyperpigmentation is not always a condition that requires treatment, for example, Hyperpigmentation caused by acne may resolve spontaneously over time. However, since it is very difficult to correct the hyperpigmentation caused by the sun on its own, it is a condition that requires treatment. Hyperpigmentation is not a harmful condition; treatment methods are purely for aesthetic purposes and it is aimed to restore the skin to its former state.
It is a generally preferred method in the treatment of low-intensity hyperpigmentation on the skin. The aim here is to purify the darkened areas on the skin and make it lighter. It is also a method used for minor coloration caused by sunlight. In addition, in some cases, it may be aimed to prepare the skin by using the microdermabrasion method before removing the hyperpigmentation with different treatments.
2.Chemical Peel
Another procedure used in the treatment of hyperpigmentation is chemical peeling applications. Chemical peeling, which is an effective method against severe discoloration on the skin, is generally successful. Acids such as salicylic and glycolic are used in peelings prepared under the control of a doctor according to the severity of the discoloration. Another issue to be considered here is the use of acid. If the skin of the person to whom the treatment will be applied is sensitive, it should be done under the control of a doctor.
According to the doctor’s guidance, other treatment methods may be preferred instead of chemical peeling. Because the chemicals used can cause redness, itching, burns, and even leave permanent scars, especially on sensitive skin.
This method, which is referred to as intense pulsed light therapy, is also used for stains that occur on skin that is overexposed to the sun. Although it is an operation that may require more than one session, it is also known as photo facial care, which increases the production of collagen in the skin. It is a treatment generally used to remove dark spots on the skin. In this way, skin discoloration in the applied area, that is, hyperpigmentation, is eliminated in a short time and the skin is restored.
4.Fractional Laser

Along with the developing technology from the past to the present, laser therapy has been the solution to many skin problems. Among these, the treatment of hyperpigmentation, which is caused by different reasons, has also been added. Fractional laser treatment has been a highly effective treatment against stubborn skin discolorations. In this method, rays are sent to the damaged area of the skin together with the laser. Where these rays reach, they stimulate the skin and direct it to heal. Thus, the skin renews itself and removes the hyperpigmentation that has formed.
Dermabrasion treatment is a hyperpigmentation treatment very similar to microdermabrasion and can quickly exfoliate the outer layer of the skin using a tool. It is a very effective treatment method against hyperpigmentation caused by acne, sunspots, chickenpox spots, etc. Dermabrasion gives a more effective and faster result compared to microdermabrasion, but as a disadvantage, the waiting time is longer.
Considering all treatments, some factors should be considered when choosing a treatment method. These are the sensitivity of the patient’s skin, the severity level of the hyperpigmentation, and the area it covers, etc. are situations. When the treatment is chosen by considering these, the most appropriate and effective treatment can be preferred.

What does hyperpigmentation mean?
Hyperpigmentation is the darkening of the skin that occurs on the skin. This usually harmless situation occurs when the pigment called melanin is overproduced due to some conditions. Hyperpigmentation, also called skin spots, is the darker-than-normal color tone of the skin, usually caused by the sun.
What are the main causes of hyperpigmentation?
The main reason for hyperpigmentation is the increase in the melanin pigment, which determines the color status of the skin, due to some reasons. Melanin pigment is also referred to as a pigment that determines eye and hair colors apart from the skin. Causes include advancing age, exposure to the sun’s rays more than normal, impaired hormone balance, and skin injuries.
What does Hyperpigmentation look like?
Hyperpigmentation is different spots on the skin and can appear as pink, red, black, gray, or brown. Hyperpigmentation, which can usually be seen as a spot or a specific area, can be seen around the lips, neck area, or any skin area.
What are the three types of hyperpigmentation?
Types of hyperpigmentation can be listed under three headings as age spots, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, and melasma. In addition to these, freckles caused by the sun and normal freckles can also be added.
Which cream is good for hyperpigmentation?
It is used in some creams as a hyperpigmentation treatment. Some ingredients should generally be found in the contents of these creams. Vitamin C, retinol, azelaic acid, arbutin, and mandelic acid are some of them.
How to get rid of hyperpigmentation?
There are different treatment methods to get rid of hyperpigmentation. Among these methods, the appropriate treatment method should be selected and applied according to the skin of the person. Some major treatments:
- Skin-lightening creams
- Retinoids
- Laser peel
- Skin acids
- Microdermabrasion
- IPL or intense pulsed-light therapy
- Dermabrasion,
These methods are among the most preferred treatment methods to get rid of hyperpigmentation today.